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Recovery From Mental Illness:

Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, Alcoholism, Narcotism etc.

More About Funding Translations

If you would like to enquire or make a written agreement regarding funding a translation/s, please make a selection*

*You will be redirected upon selection.


    Entitlements**                                                                                             Return to contents

           In return for funding a translation of the website, the recovery download, questions, answers,       examples or sorting, you would be entitled to receive the following**:




                                                                                                                             Return to contents

*    Logo / image size may be limited dependent on available space, the number of contributors for    that website, and the wishes of the contributors for that website.  

Credit wording may not contain any inappropriate language such as swearing, illegal, intolerant or racist statements, statements that may harm our reputation, or harm us financially etc, and may also be limited dependent on available space, the number of contributors for that website, and the wishes of the contributors for that website.

(For example: If there were many contributors for a website, it may not be reasonable to display one logo or image at a time, and if there were many contributors, the credit wording for each contributor may be limited in length or (if acceptable by all contributors) a single entry suitable and agreed on by all contributors displayed at a particular time.)

**   Only the first translation received of a reasonable standard will receive the above entitlements.

All entitlements are automatic.  

If you would prefer you may also make an agreement in writing via the following link.  

Please also note: to avoid disappointment, please contact me first before beginning a translation, as a translation may have already been recently uploaded and not as yet published or an existing funded translation may be in the process of being translated etc and you may not receive entitlements.    

   If you are the only contributor for a translated website, including sorting, you will be the only contributor to be shown on the home page of the translated website, the translated assistance web pages and downloads***, and the translated recovery download.

***  If additional items are added for download at some future date, or if translations are uploaded etc, a logo / image plus credit may be placed alongside or near the download point on the download page/s only.


     Duration of Entitlements                                                                          Return to contents


          Websites, questions, answers and examples

               For so long as the web page or part thereof has been translated by the company, government           department, individual etc, or until the website is closed down.



               For so long as the document or part thereof has been translated by the company, government           department, individual etc.


     Additions and minor changes to websites and documents                              Return to contents

      After the recovery download or the website have been translated, a company, government, service or individual etc may also choose to translate any minor changes that are made over time or not.  If the company, service or individual chooses not to translate any minor changes, and minor changes are translated by another company, service or individual, what can honestly be written in credit may be affected and may need to be altered.  For example: Website translated by or with the support of Professional Translation Services, or website translated by or with the support of Professional Translation Services and another translation service.


     Additional questions, answers and examples submitted over time                 Return to contents

    After existing questions, answers or examples pages have been translated, questions, answers and examples will likely continue to be submitted.  Only unique or new (not repeated) questions, answers and examples will be added to the questions, answers and examples web pages.  If a company, service or individual chooses not to translate additions to the questions, answers and examples pages, and additions are translated by another company, service or individual, what can honestly be written in credit may be affected and may need to be altered.  For example: Examples translated by or with the support of Professional Translation Services, or examples translated by or with the support of Professional Translation Services and another translation service.


     Privacy                                                                                                          Return to contents

        Unless required by law, email and other communications shall not be disclosed to any third party     without prior written consent from both parties.


            Sorting or translating questions and examples

         Unless required by law, it is not permitted to publish or disclose or cause or permit the disclosure of      questions or examples, or the names, email addresses and personal information associated with      questions or examples, outside of without prior written consent from      the sender.


    Termination                                                                                                  Return to contents

         If a company, government department or individual etc wishes to terminate an agreement, they      may do so at any time by giving written notice.

    This agreement may be terminated by by giving written notice if:


            Poor translations                                                                                      Return to contents




            Written Notice


    Liability                                                                                                          Return to contents



Costs, damage, loss or injury (of any kind)”, means costs of any kind, damage of any kind, loss of any kind or injury of any kind.

Legal proceeding, lawsuit or litigation (of any kind)”, means legal proceeding of any kind, lawsuit of any kind or litigation of any kind.


    Liability                                                                                                            Return to contents will take all reasonable measures to adhere to the terms and conditions of this agreement, however as a condition of this agreement, you agree that you will not hold or any of its employees or associated parties liable for any costs, damage, loss or injury (of any kind) caused due an accidental or temporary breach in the terms and conditions of this agreement.  And you also agree that you will not hold or any of its employees or associated parties liable for  any costs, damage, loss or injury (of any kind) incurred in connection with or whilst carrying out the duties, task/s or contributions selected in this agreement.

  And you agree not to bring any legal proceeding, lawsuit or litigation (of any kind) against or any of its employees or associated parties due to an accidental or temporary breach in the terms and conditions of this agreement, or due to any costs, damage, loss or injury (of any kind) incurred in connection with or whilst carrying out the duties, task/s or contributions selected in this agreement.



          Translation of the recovery download

          Translation of the website

          Translation of questions, answers and examples


     Duration of Entitlements

          Websites, questions, answers and examples


     Additions and minor changes

     Additional questions, answers and examples



           Translating questions and examples


           Poor translations


           Written Notice


